Good Neighbors in Nicaragua

Our Mission
Good Neighbors works for a world where no one suffers from hunger and everyone lives in harmony.
Good Neighbors respects human rights, giving hope to those suffering from poverty, oppression, and natural disasters, helping them achieve self-reliance, and enabling them to rebuild their hopes.Who Are We?
Good Neighbors is a humanitarian and development organization founded in Korea in 1991, with General Consultative Status at the United Nations Economic and Social Council (UN ECOSOC).
To make the world a place without hunger, where people live in harmony, we work in 44 countries focusing on community development to protect the rights of children and promote community self-reliance, and respond to humanitarian emergencies.
To work wherever there are needs, without distinction of ethnic origin, religion, ideology, and beyond any geographical limitation.
To promote self-reliance and sustainable development of individuals, families, and their communities.
To prioritize the promotion of the rights of girls, boys, and adolescents (GBA).
To cultivate a global citizenship that promotes respect among people and their life in harmony.
To mobilize and organize volunteers to participate in the development of their communities.
To cooperate and build networks with other local organizations that share community development goals.
To be transparent and accountable, and to report activities and financial situation in a professional manner
To promote the participation of all individuals in our work, joining as partners, sponsors, and/or donors.

Good Neighbors in Nicaragua
Statement of Faith
We confess that we are disciples of Jesus Christ, and we accept as a primary value God’s commandment to love God and our neighbor.

We practice love for our God by loving our neighbor, following the example of Jesus. ‘Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ Our neighbors are these ‘little brothers,’ those who are deprived of the opportunity to develop their natural abilities due to poverty, illness, without marginalized, denied, discriminated against, sought, and living in inhumane conditions of pain and darkness.
We confess that the Spirit of the Lord is upon us so that we can bring the good news to the poor, heal the wounded, proclaim freedom to the captives, and comfort the brokenhearted. We practice these confessions with fear and humility, as good stewards of God. We confess that the kingdom of God is not limited by a physical place, but also dwells in our hearts. We believe that the kingdom of God is righteousness, peace, and joy, and we confess that our mission is to be the builders of the Kingdom of God.
We confess. All our work is a manifestation of the living action of the Holy Spirit in the world. Our ultimate reason for existence on earth is ‘Soli Deo Gloria,’ which means “For the Glory of God”.
Ilha Yi
Good Change for the World