Promoting oral health among the youngest children

In an effort to promote oral health among children, Colgate has donated 6,000 oral hygiene kits to rural schools served by Good Neighbors International in Carazo. This generous contribution aims to improve oral hygiene practices and, consequently, the general health of children in this department.

The delivery event took place at the Hermanos de Finlandia School in Santa Teresa, where Mario Méndez, Colgate’s representative, had the opportunity to actively participate. During his visit, Méndez not only handed out the kits, but also took the time to talk to the students. She explained to them the importance of maintaining good oral hygiene and how the correct use of the products they received can prevent common dental diseases.

The collaboration between Colgate and Good Neighbors International is an inspiring example of how partnerships between the private sector and non-profit organizations can have a positive impact on vulnerable communities. Thanks to these kits, the children of Carazo now have access to adequate information and essential products to take care of their oral health, which is fundamental for their integral development and well-being, says Yeril Saravia, operations manager of Good Neighbors International.

This initiative not only provides the necessary resources, but also educates and raises awareness among children about the importance of good oral hygiene from an early age. Colgate reaffirms its commitment to the health and well-being of communities. The impact of this donation will be significant and lasting, contributing to the formation of healthy habits that will accompany these children throughout their lives.

Thank you, Colgate, for making a difference in Carazo!

Good Neighbors and MIDAS boost education in Nicaragua through the donation of software licenses to UNAN-Managua

A total of 86 free educational and research licenses of MIDAS software, delivered by Good Neighbors International in Nicaragua in collaboration with MIDAS, to the Regional University Center of Carazo of the UNAN-Managua, in order to continue promoting, supporting and guaranteeing the right to an innovative and quality education.

These licenses will be used by teachers and students of Industrial Engineering, Robotics and Civil Engineering with mention in rural works of this university, who will have better study tools for the development of technical skills that will serve them in their professional life and give more competitiveness in the world of work.

This collaboration with UNAN-Managua began in 2019 with positive results in educational micro-robotics, teacher training, training for young people and children to contribute to community development in Carazo.

It should be noted that this donation is thanks to the shared commitment of Good Neighbors and UNAN to continue promoting education in Nicaragua with the help of agreements such as the one signed in February 2023 with MIDAS, a company dedicated to the development of civil, structural and mechanical engineering software, committed to social welfare and educational development.

Lasting smiles in Carazo! Good Neighbors and the American University sign a collaboration agreement to promote dental health

Good Neighbors International in Nicaragua, committed to social welfare through various community development projects, has signed a 5-year collaboration agreement with the American University (UAM), to provide free medical care specialised in dentistry to the communities of the department of Carazo, a sector served by the organisation.

Caries treatment and dental extractions are some of the services that the university will provide to the more than 8,207 children between the ages of 0 and 12, who are part of the NGO’s sponsorship programme. This alliance is an example of Good Neighbors’ commitment to community and public health in Nicaragua, in collaboration with institutions that share the same values.

This agreement also guarantees the mobilisation of medical care to areas of difficult access in the sector served by the organisation. It should be noted that this medical care will be provided by the internship programme of students from the university’s dental school.

A new feature of this year’s intervention is that the students will visit the communities where Good Neighbors has a presence in order to attend to children and adolescents who find it difficult to leave their communities.

Donation of dewormers and vitamins

Our associate, Carla Espinoza, delivered 149 boxes of Albendazole tablets, 63 units of Albendazole suspension, and 90 units of Medoc ABC to health centers located in the municipalities of Dolores, El Rosario, and Jinotepe in order to reduce intestinal parasites and improve the immune system of children.


In May, we started the ACL 2022 in our three Community Development Projects. The annual letter of thanks is a key process for children to illustrate the positive changes made through sponsorship and express their gratitude to their sponsors.

The goal is to reach the 78 communities we serve within a period of 3 months and successfully send 7,075 letters to our sponsors.

Grocery store “Blessing of God”

In the San Juan community, there was no grocery store, so Mrs. Martha Cruz decided to start one. Good Neighbors, through revolving funds, provided her with rice, sugar, and oil to start her business. After a month, she managed to reinvest and stock her grocery store with 40 new products, says the beneficiary. The payment commitment is for a period of 6 months, and in January, Mrs. Cruz made her first installment payment of C$ 700.00.